
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Clara-10 months


I cannot believe that you have already been in our lives for 10 months!

At 10 months, you love to crawl.  You really don't pull up and cruise quite yet.  You can and you have, but you just do not do it much!  You love to wave bye bye and clap your hands.  We have heard you say dada, mama, and bye bye.  Your paw-paw also is confident that you said his name, but I have yet to hear it. :)

You eat just about everything I put in front of you.  You were never into baby food, but you love table food.  I am much less strict with you and just give you whatever we are having.  You have even had Chick-fil-a and pizza!  I would have never given that stuff to Hudson, but you just get to have what we are having!

You still will not stay in the church nursery.  You cry and cry. The only people you will stay with are your grandparents.

You just started consistently sleeping through the 10 months!  You sleep from 10-6 most nights!  Still not great, but I will take it.  You also are still sleeping in a pack and play in our room, so I think it will help if we finally let you sleep nights in your crib downstairs.

You are unlike your big brother in so many ways--you notice things he never babies and animals.  You will stare and laugh and talk to any animal you see.  You also love to watch cartoons.  I am grateful for that.  Your brother did not sit still for 2 years, so I welcome your love for cartoons, and I indulge you in small doses! Oh, and I just cannot kiss your face enough!

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