Well, thanks to my sister and an overturned truck headed to an upscale Atlanta furniture gallery, we are now the proud owners of a rather expensive table that seats 6 normally, and 8 with its leaf. The kicker..... it is in excellent condition after falling off the truck, and IT IS FREE! The one downside...it needs refinishing. Fortunately, my hubs is always up to the challenge!
Until then, this is what dinner has become:
I do hope this is very temporary. I do not want to turn into Matilda's family!
I can't wait to decorate my new dining area. I am planning on doing mix-matched chairs. So far, I purchased two white chairs, and two parson chairs that are chocolate brown with fall colored designs. I need two more. Any suggestions?
I am also excited about trying out the doily diy table runner I saw on www.ashleyannphotography.com/blog.
Can't wait to show you the table!!
In other decorating news, I heart mix matched frames with fun wall art. Will and I hope to collect unique finds through thrift stores and travels to decorate our stairway with one day. I decided to practice in our guest bedroom with random stuff we have obtained. I am not completely finished, but this is how it looks so far:
Finally, to appease our sweet family, here is some pics from our family outing to the park on Saturday:
Thank you Lord for these sweet moments with my family.
sweet pics...