November, like every month, seemed to pass quickly. We were thankful for the comfortable weather. Many of our days were passed exploring our yard and enjoying the final days of pleasantness.
We are wrapping up our fall schedule--Bible Study, story times, and playgroups. Our schedule will change in the new year. We are enjoying having Daddy home during the afternoons and nights....this too will soon change. Soccer season is approaching!
It was a month of thankfulness. We are convicted that we don't practice thankfulness each and everyday. We loved naming and talking about what we are thankful for, and in the process, we are learning to be thankful for the messy moments of life too.
Hudson had his 18 month check up this month. While we were there, we discovered he had strep. We also discovered that it takes two people to give him his medicine. We wrestled him to the floor for every dose..twice a day for ten days. It wasn't fun. Will got sick in the process. I was the last man standing.
Hudson's vocabulary has really increased. He is even beginning to make phrases. Last night, he told me night night and then said muah (kiss). Then he told me bye bye before going to his room to bed. He will say names of food, people, body parts, and some animals. He will point to objects and name them. He sometimes surprises me by naming things I didn't even know he knew.
We are working on our animal sound. Hudson proudly knows that all animals say "Boo!" We are also naming our letters and numbers. He loves to sing the alphabet song with me. I mean B, D, A, C, E is the way the alphabet song goes, right?
He loves to Hokey Pokey. He knows how to open doors. Really excited about that...ha ha! Of course, it isn't all fun. We aren't dancing around doing the Hokey Pokey all day. We have many meltdowns.
Occasionally there are household disasters:
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I read "One Thousand Gifts," by Ann Voskamp. It is one of my favorite reads of all times. It gave me perspective I hope I never lose. I am now working on my 1000 gifts.
8. The smell of yummy food in the crockpot.
15. Hudson asking for more. We have an abundance of food.
18. Pulling out Christmas decor from the attic.
27. Everyone around the breakfast table.
100. My Mr. Fix-It.
106. The Target 1 spot.
109. The security of our salvation.
Will and I are reading "50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die," by John Piper. This book has really short chapters, and we are using it as a small devotion at dinner. Afterwards, one of us would add a leaf to our Thankful Tree. Just a few little things that added so much warmth to our nights together..nothing profound. We didn't have deep theological discussions over our mashed potatoes. We are simply trying to pursue God as a family. It is a messy process.
Excited about celebrating the Advent season!
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