First, Hudson had his very first kids meal at Chick-Fil-A with the Patridge clan. He ate it so fast! I think he thought I would realize what it was and take it away.
His sweet Ge gave him a recordable storybook!
This past weekend we had a little triple party, 2 birthdays and Mother's Day, by my brother and sister in law's pool. The water was a little too cold, but Hudson loved the fountain.
He also got another cupcake:
Thanks for making them, Hallie!
We opened a few gifts! Hudson racked up with a big wagon, soccer ball, farm toy, and book!
Nearly three years ago exactly, I was dancing with my new groom on that same lawn. Crazy how time flies!
As for Mother's Day, the hubby was good to me. He gave me a sweet card, my favorite candies, and some cash for clothes shopping. He also gave me the day off. He took care of Hudson all day! He said, "So, is Mother's Day just when the Dad becomes the Mom?" Exactly.
Ok, I was feeling kind of guilty that I said I had the day "off." I am supposed to enjoy my children on Mother's Day, right? To be technical, I spent the day with Hudson. I just didn't have to do all those little "tasks" that go along with them. I love taking care of him, but it was super nice to get the day off from doing all that!